The Rise And Fall of D’oh!
- Páginas: 15
- Guión: Ian Boothby
- Dibujo: John Costanza
- Tinta: Phyllis Novin
- Color: Art Villanueva
- Resumen: When Bart creates a successful humor magazine for his classmates, Krusty the Clown coopts the idea, turning it into a satirical monthly serial of his own and hiring Bart as the head writer. It’s just a matter of time before Krusty finds the perfect cover spokesman for the new periodical, and «D’oh!» Magazine is born! Subscribe to this fancy flipbook issue, featuring a «zine within a zine» edition of «D’oh!»
A Word From The Publisher
- Páginas: 1
- Guión: Ian Boothby
- Dibujo: James Lloyd
- Tinta: James Lloyd
- Color: Art Villanueva
Star Drek!
- Páginas: 5
- Guión: Ian Boothby
- Dibujo: James Lloyd
- Tinta: James Lloyd
- Color: Art Villanueva
Krusty’s Catchphrase Corner!
- Páginas: 1
- Guión: Ian Boothby
- Dibujo: James Lloyd
- Tinta: James Lloyd
- Color: Art Villanueva
The Sound And The Funny
- Páginas: 1
- Guión: Ian Boothby
- Dibujo: James Lloyd
- Tinta: James Lloyd
- Color: Art Villanueva